紫癜 发表于 2011-12-26 23:10   全显示 1楼
  • 紫癜
  • 荣誉离职作者
  • 肉肉的客栈?特约美女画师
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will someone tell something about the life of foreign college students

will someone tell me something about the life of foreign college students?
like the teacher ,the classroom ...especially the extracurricular activities after class.thanks.
紫癜 发表于 2012-4-1 21:24   全显示 2楼

回复 5楼 的帖子

thank you very much for your answer.
by the way,the city you've talked about is……?
紫癜 发表于 2012-4-7 00:25   全显示 3楼

回复 9楼 的帖子

every coin has two sides.^_^
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